Tuesday, 27 March 2012

A loveliness of ladybirds...

The recent spring heat wave has provided an opportunity to explore the garden and at the weekend, there was a multitude of ladybirds, who seem to have waken from their diapause (insect hibernation):
They are all seven spot ladybirds, one of the most common in the UK:

The collective name for ladybirds is a 'loveliness' and it does seem a suitable noun as the ladybirds took to the air and sought food and other ladybirds
There are 43 different species of ladybird in the UK, with the native species coming under threat from the invasive harlequin ladybird.
As usual, there is an irony with alien species, the seven spot ladybird has been introduced into North America - which now threatens their native ladybirds.