When I started this blog, I set out to photograph three animals:
1. A water vole - As seen in most of the posts on this blog
2. A kingfisher - something I have failed to do this year, all pictures have been utterly miserable.
3. A muntjac deer - And at last I got a picture
Unfortunately, due to a combination of poor light and even poorer photography skills, the picture is rather poor. But as it's only the fifth one I've seen in Abingdon in three years I thought I would stick it on the blog.
I'm not sure if it is the same water shrew (but it is in the same area and I understand they are territorial), but today provided another opportunity to watch it.
This time I took a short film, which shows how fast they can move
I've been watching this water shrew swimming in Radley Brook during my lunch breaks for the past week and today was fortunate to get a decent picture.