Friday 16 April 2010

Floating water vole

I saw this water vole, it seemed to be just  floating on the river:
At first I thought it was dead or ill. But as I tried to get a second picture, I was pleased to be proved wrong:


  1. That's a very good picture. I'm very envious of you being able to get out and take such lovely shots. I just don't seem to have the time (or the skill with my camera). I have some pretty good garden wildlife shots but that's as exciting as it gets. Any tips on how to get started further afield?
    Keep up the good work!

  2. fab photos Richard!

  3. Hi Rachel,
    Thank you very much for your comments. I just consider myself to be a below average photographer who gets lucky from time to time. As for getting started, I'm a firm believer in what some call the 'local patch' and a garden can be one of best - just check out Henry Walloon's incredible 'Life in an Oxfordshire Lawn' blog (link to the right).
    Your comment has started me thinking and has inspired some future blog posts.

  4. Aw, fantastic shot, Richard!
